Xox is ...
A collection of extensions to the very base of XOTcl. Xox adds methods to ::xotcl::Object and ::xotcl::Class to provide features available to all objects.
Xox provides ...
- A packaging utility that automatically generates pkgIndex files, package directories, class files, and test files. These scripts are: buildPkgIndex, makePackage, makeClass, and makeTest.
- On-line (in-shell) help methods that display the documentation as you are coding/prototyping.
- Object shell - creates a interpreter from the view-point of an object which is useful in debugging or correcting error conditions.
- On Class-object documentation. - allows for on-line in-code access to documentation that is useful in building documentation, help, error messages, etc.
Xox Executables
- buildPkgIndex - builds a pkgIndex.tcl file from the files in a package directory.
- makePackage - creates a new package directory can calls buildPkgIndex
- makeClass - creates a new Class file and updates pkgIndex.tcl
- makeTest - creates a test file for a class and updates pkgIndex.tcl
- xotclshell - an XOTcl/Tk shell simple XOTcl development environment(prototype)