Assert is a library of assert methods. Each assert methods checks some condition and simply returns if true, otherwise and error is thrown. This error is an object reference. Specifically a new AssertionError instance. This allows messages to be carried along with the error and a common way to specific types of errors so that errors can be handled in the correct way. Example: package require xounit namespace import -force ::xounit::* set a [ Assert new ] $a assert 1 "This will pass" $a assert 0 "This will fail" Asserts are simple procedures. They replace two commads: if { ! $condition } { error $message } However the simplification of code is dramatic especially when checking many test variables. Assert also works well with TestCase and TestRunner. It allows tests to be stopped at a point and a message can be returned to the TestCase to be analyzed and stored in a TestResult.
Variables | |||
Name | Default Value | Class | Comment |
Methods | |
Name | Comment |
?assert {{prefix ""}}
| Finds all assert methods on the current object |
assert {condition {message ""}}
| assert simply checks "condition" and throws a new AssertionError if false |
assertClass {class {message ""}}
| Checks object is a valid class |
assertDoNotFindIn {tofind string {message ""}}
| Try not to find a string, tofind, in another string, string |
assertEquals {actual expected {message ""}}
| Compares the values, actual and expected, and the assert fails if they ARE NOT equal and throws an AssertionError |
assertEqualsTrim {actual expected {message ""}}
| Compares the string trimmed values, actual and expected and the assert fails if they ARE NOT equal and throws an AssertionError |
assertError {script {message ""}}
| Asserts that a error will happend in script |
assertExists {varName {message ""}}
| Checks if varName exists on this object |
assertExistsObject {varName {message ""}}
| Asserts that the variable, varName, has a valid object handle as its value |
assertExistsValue {varName {message ""}}
| Asserts that a variable, varName, exists and has a non-empty value on the current object |
assertFailure {script {message ""}}
| Asserts that a failure will happend in script |
assertFalse {condition {message ""}}
| Checks for the negative condition and throws and error on the positive condition |
assertFindIn {tofind string {message ""}}
| Try to find a string, tofind, in another string, string |
assertInfoExists {varName {message ""}}
| Asserts that a variable, varName, exists and has a non-empty value on the current object |
assertInteger {number {message ""}}
| Asserts that number is an integer |
assertIntegerInRange {number low high {message ""}}
| Asserts that number is greater-than-or-equal-to low and less-than-or-equal-to high |
assertListEquals {listA listB {message ""}}
| |
assertListLengthEquals {list length {message ""}}
| Asserts that the length of list is equal to length |
assertNoError {script {message ""}}
| Asserts that no error will happend in script |
assertNoFailure {script {message ""}}
| Asserts that no failure will happend in script |
assertNotEquals {actual expected {message ""}}
| Compares expected and actual and throws an error if they ARE equal |
assertNotEqualsTrim {actual expected {message ""}}
| Compares the trimmed values expected and actual and throws an error if they ARE equal |
assertNotExists {varName {message ""}}
| Checks if varName does not exist on this object |
assertObject {object {message ""}}
| Checks object is a valid object |
assertObjectInList {list object {message ""}}
| Asserts that a list on the current object has object in that list |
assertRegex {regex string {message ""}}
| Try to match a pattern, regex, to a string, string |
assertTrue {condition {message ""}}
| Equivalent to assert |
assertValue {value {message ""}}
| Asserts that value has a non-empty value |
assertValueInList {list value {message ""}}
| Asserts that a list on the current object has value in that list |
fail {message}
| Throw an error with a message |
Methods from ::xotcl::Object |
#, ., ?, ?code, ?methods, ?object, abstract, copy, coverageFilter, defaultmethod, extractConfigureArg, filterappend, garbageCollect, get#, getClean#, hasclass, init, methodTag, mixinappend, move, profileFilter, self, setParameterDefaults, shell, tclcmd, traceFilter,
Instproc Detail |
Finds all assert methods on the current object. This is useful in a debugger or xotclsh. Can also be used with debug in TestCases. my debug [ my ?assert ]
- optional, default value: ""
::xounit::Assert instproc ?assert {{prefix ""}} { return [ my ?methods "assert$prefix" ] }
assert simply checks "condition" and throws a new AssertionError if false. The AssertionError will contain the optional "message" string. condition - The condition to check for true ( 1 is true in Tcl ) message A message to send on failure. set a [ ::xounit::Assert new ] $a assert 1 "This will pass" $a assert 0 "This will fail" #The failure will cause a Tcl error. #You should catch the error using a catch block and handle the error: if [ catch { $a assert 0 "Catch me" } result ] { puts [ $result message ] } #Assert failures throw an Exception. Use the message method #to get the message from the failure.
- optional, default value: ""
::xounit::Assert instproc assert {condition {message ""}} { if { $condition } { return } else { error [ ::xounit::AssertionError new "$message" ] } }
Checks object is a valid class
- optional, default value: ""
::xounit::Assert instproc assertClass {class {message ""}} { my assertObject $class $message my assertTrue [ my isobject $class ] "$message\nExpected $class to be a class" }
Try not to find a string, tofind, in another string, string. If the string is found throw error.
- optional, default value: ""
::xounit::Assert instproc assertDoNotFindIn {tofind string {message ""}} { my assert [ expr [ string first $tofind $string ] == -1 ] "$message\nExpected not to find $tofind in:\n$string" }
Compares the values, actual and expected, and the assert fails if they ARE NOT equal and throws an AssertionError. actual - the first value to compare expected - the second value to compare message - failure message
- optional, default value: ""
::xounit::Assert instproc assertEquals {actual expected {message ""}} { my assert [ expr { "$actual" == "$expected" } ] "$message\nActual: $actual\nExpected: $expected" }
Compares the string trimmed values, actual and expected and the assert fails if they ARE NOT equal and throws an AssertionError. valueOne - the first value to compare valueTwo - the second value to compare message - failure message
- optional, default value: ""
::xounit::Assert instproc assertEqualsTrim {actual expected {message ""}} { set actual [ string trim $actual ] set expected [ string trim $expected ] my assert [ expr { "$actual" == "$expected" } ] "$message\nActual: $actual\nExpected: $expected" }
Asserts that a error will happend in script.
- optional, default value: ""
::xounit::Assert instproc assertError {script {message ""}} { my assert [ catch { uplevel [ self callinglevel ] $script } ] "$message\nExpected to find an error in $script" }
Checks if varName exists on this object.
- optional, default value: ""
::xounit::Assert instproc assertExists {varName {message ""}} { my assertTrue [ my exists $varName ] "$message\nExpected $varName to exist" }
Asserts that the variable, varName, has a valid object handle as its value.
- optional, default value: ""
::xounit::Assert instproc assertExistsObject {varName {message ""}} { my assertTrue [ my exists $varName ] "$message\nExpected $varName to exist" my assert [ Object isobject [ my set $varName ] ] "$message\nExpected $varName to be an object" }
Asserts that a variable, varName, exists and has a non-empty value on the current object.
- optional, default value: ""
::xounit::Assert instproc assertExistsValue {varName {message ""}} { my assertTrue [ my exists $varName ] "$message\nExpected $varName to exist" my assertNotEquals "" [ my set $varName ] "$message\nExpected $varName to have a value" }
Asserts that a failure will happend in script.
- optional, default value: ""
::xounit::Assert instproc assertFailure {script {message ""}} { my assert [ catch { uplevel [ self callinglevel ] $script } result ] "$message\nExpected to find a failure in $script" my assert [ Object isobject $result ] "$message\nExpected failure. Error was found instead: $result" my assert [ $result hasclass ::xounit::AssertionError ] "$message\nExpected to find a failure. Found object instead:\n$result is a [ $result info class ]" }
Checks for the negative condition and throws and error on the positive condition.
- optional, default value: ""
::xounit::Assert instproc assertFalse {condition {message ""}} { if { $condition } { error [ ::xounit::AssertionError new "$message" ] } }
Try to find a string, tofind, in another string, string. If the string is not found throw error.
- optional, default value: ""
::xounit::Assert instproc assertFindIn {tofind string {message ""}} { my assert [ expr [ string first $tofind $string ] != -1 ] "$message\nExpected to find $tofind in:\n$string" }
Asserts that a variable, varName, exists and has a non-empty value on the current object.
- optional, default value: ""
::xounit::Assert instproc assertInfoExists {varName {message ""}} { my assertTrue [ uplevel [ self callinglevel ] [ list info exists $varName ] ] "$message\n Expected $varName to exist in [ self callingclass ]->[ self callingproc ]" }
Asserts that number is an integer.
- optional, default value: ""
::xounit::Assert instproc assertInteger {number {message ""}} { my assertValue $number "$message\nExpected input to be an integer, but was empty" if [ Object isobject $number ] { my assertFalse [ Object isobject $number ] "$message\nExpected $number to be an integer, but found object [ $number info class]" } my assert [ string is integer $number ] "$message\nExpected $number to be an integer" }
Asserts that number is greater-than-or-equal-to low and less-than-or-equal-to high.
- optional, default value: ""
::xounit::Assert instproc assertIntegerInRange {number low high {message ""}} { my assertInteger $number $message my assert [ expr { $number >= $low } ] "$message\nExpected $number to be at least than $low." my assert [ expr { $number <= $high } ] "$message\nExpected $number to be no greater than $high." }
- optional, default value: ""
::xounit::Assert instproc assertListEquals {listA listB {message ""}} { for { set index 0 } { $index < [ llength $listA ] } { incr index } { my assertEquals [ lindex $listA $index ] [ lindex $listB $index ] "$message \n Actual List: $listA \n Expect List: $listB \n" } }
Asserts that the length of list is equal to length. The assert fails with message if the length of list is different than length.
- optional, default value: ""
::xounit::Assert instproc assertListLengthEquals {list length {message ""}} { my assertEquals [ llength $list ] $length "Expected list length: $length\n Acutal list length: [ llength $list ]\n List: $list" }
Asserts that no error will happend in script.
- optional, default value: ""
::xounit::Assert instproc assertNoError {script {message ""}} { set result "" my assertFalse [ catch { uplevel [ self callinglevel ] $script } result ] "$message\nExpected not to find error in $script\n[ ::xoexception::Throwable extractMessage $result ]" }
Asserts that no failure will happend in script.
- optional, default value: ""
::xounit::Assert instproc assertNoFailure {script {message ""}} { set result "" my assertFalse [ catch { uplevel [ self callinglevel ] $script } result ] "$message\nExpected not to find a failure in $script\n[ ::xoexception::Throwable extractMessage $result ]" }
Compares expected and actual and throws an error if they ARE equal.
- optional, default value: ""
::xounit::Assert instproc assertNotEquals {actual expected {message ""}} { my assert [ expr { "$actual" != "$expected" } ] "$message\nActual: $actual\nNot Expected: $expected" }
Compares the trimmed values expected and actual and throws an error if they ARE equal.
- optional, default value: ""
::xounit::Assert instproc assertNotEqualsTrim {actual expected {message ""}} { set actual [ string trim $actual ] set expected [ string trim $expected ] my assert [ expr { "$actual" != "$expected" } ] "$message\nActual: $actual\nNot Expected: $expected" }
Checks if varName does not exist on this object.
- optional, default value: ""
::xounit::Assert instproc assertNotExists {varName {message ""}} { my assertFalse [ my exists $varName ] "$message\nExpected $varName to exist" }
Checks object is a valid object
- optional, default value: ""
::xounit::Assert instproc assertObject {object {message ""}} { my assertTrue [ my isobject $object ] "$message\nExpected $object to be an object" }
Asserts that a list on the current object has object in that list.
- optional, default value: ""
::xounit::Assert instproc assertObjectInList {list object {message ""}} { my assertObject $object $message my assertNotEquals [ lsearch $list $object ] -1 "$message\nDid not find $object in list $list" }
Try to match a pattern, regex, to a string, string. If the pattern does not match throw an error.
- optional, default value: ""
::xounit::Assert instproc assertRegex {regex string {message ""}} { my assertNotEquals [ regexp $regex $string all ] 0 "$message\nExpected regex $regex to match string $string" if [ info exists all ] { return $all } return }
Equivalent to assert. Use to be explicit about what you are testing. condition - The condition to check for true ( 1 is true in Tcl ). message - A message to send on failure.
- optional, default value: ""
::xounit::Assert instproc assertTrue {condition {message ""}} { uplevel [ self callinglevel ] [ list my assert $condition $message ] }
Asserts that value has a non-empty value.
- optional, default value: ""
::xounit::Assert instproc assertValue {value {message ""}} { my assertNotEquals "" $value "$message\nExpected value to have a value" }
Asserts that a list on the current object has value in that list.
- optional, default value: ""
::xounit::Assert instproc assertValueInList {list value {message ""}} { my assertNotEquals [ lsearch $list $value ] -1 "$message\nDid not find $value in list $list" }
Throw an error with a message. This is good for explicitly failing a testcase.
::xounit::Assert instproc fail {message} { error [ ::xounit::AssertionError new $message ] }