CoverageReport is a collector of information about the coverage analysis and produces the formatted summary of that information
Variables | |||
Name | Default Value | Class | Comment |
failures |
0 | ::xounit::CoverageReport | number of methods that are not covered |
passes |
0 | ::xounit::CoverageReport | number of methods that are covered |
Methods | |
Name | Comment |
add {class}
| Adds a class to be watched during coverage analysis |
addPackage {package}
| Adds a package to be watched during coverage analysis |
clear {}
| Clears all old information from the CoverageReport |
reportClass {class}
| Builds the report of coverage for all methods in class |
reportPackage {package}
| Builds the report of coverage for all classes in package |
reportPackages {packages}
| Builds the report of coverage for all classes in packages |
reportSummary {}
| Builds the report summary for all classes included in this CoverageReport |
start {}
| Starts the recording of the CoverageReport |
stop {}
| Stops the recording of the CoverageReport |
Methods from ::xotcl::Object |
#, ., ?, ?code, ?methods, ?object, abstract, copy, coverageFilter, defaultmethod, extractConfigureArg, filterappend, garbageCollect, get#, getClean#, hasclass, init, methodTag, mixinappend, move, profileFilter, self, setParameterDefaults, shell, tclcmd, traceFilter,
Instproc Detail |
Adds a class to be watched during coverage analysis.
::xounit::CoverageReport instproc add {class} { ::xounit::Coverage add $class my assertNotEquals [ lsearch [ $class info instfilter ] coverageFilter ] -1 }
Adds a package to be watched during coverage analysis.
::xounit::CoverageReport instproc addPackage {package} { set namespace ::${package} puts "Searching $namespace" foreach class [ ::xox::ObjectGraph findAllInstances ::xotcl::Class $namespace ] { puts "Watching $class" my add $class } }
Clears all old information from the CoverageReport
::xounit::CoverageReport instproc clear {} { ::xounit::Coverage clear my passes 0 my failures 0 }
Builds the report of coverage for all methods in class.
::xounit::CoverageReport instproc reportClass {class} { if { [ string first "::test::" $class ] != -1 } { return } if { "$class" == "::xounit::CoverageReport" } { return } foreach method [ $class info instprocs ] { if { ![ ::xounit::Coverage hasCoverage $class $method ] } { puts "Not Covered: $class $method" my incr failures continue } puts "Covered: $class $method [ ::xounit::Coverage getCoverage $class $method ]" my incr passes } }
Builds the report of coverage for all classes in package.
::xounit::CoverageReport instproc reportPackage {package} { set namespace ::${package} foreach class [ ::xox::ObjectGraph findAllInstances ::xotcl::Class $namespace ] { my reportClass $class } }
Builds the report of coverage for all classes in packages.
::xounit::CoverageReport instproc reportPackages {packages} { foreach package $packages { my reportPackage $package } }
Builds the report summary for all classes included in this CoverageReport
::xounit::CoverageReport instproc reportSummary {} { my instvar passes failures set total [ expr { $passes + $failures } ] puts "\n\nTest Coverage Report Summary by Method" puts "==========================================" puts "Total: $total" if { $total == 0 } { return } puts "Covered: $passes - [ expr { floor ( 100.0 * $passes / $total ) } ]%" puts "Not Covered: $failures - [ expr { ceil ( 100.0 * $failures / $total ) } ]%" }
Starts the recording of the CoverageReport
::xounit::CoverageReport instproc start {} { ::xounit::Coverage start }
Stops the recording of the CoverageReport
::xounit::CoverageReport instproc stop {} { ::xounit::Coverage stop }