Class Reload

Associated Test:

Class Reload
superclass ::xotcl::Object,
Reload is a mixin that can be added to Class to allow
 Classes to be redefined without destroying object-class
NameDefault ValueClassComment
recreate {o args}   Reload overloads recreate to allow for redefinition of classes without destroying the relationship of instances to classes
Methods from ::xotcl::Object
#, ., ?, ?code, ?methods, ?object, abstract, copy, coverageFilter, defaultmethod, extractConfigureArg, filterappend, garbageCollect, get#, getClean#, hasclass, init, methodTag, mixinappend, move, profileFilter, self, setParameterDefaults, shell, tclcmd, traceFilter,
Instproc Detail


 Reload overloads recreate to allow for redefinition of 
 classes without destroying the relationship of instances
 to classes.  In normal xotcl redefinition of a class
 destroys the class-object.  This makes all class pointers
 on object to be invalid.  Thus all instances of a redefined
 class have their class changed to ::xotcl::Object.

 This recreate method solves this problem, by not destroying
 the class-object, but just erasing all its properties and
 methods and then they can be redefined.

 This allows resourcing of libraries or packages while
 the code is running without corrupting the program state. 

 See the xotcl documentation for other recreate docs.
  ::xox::Reload instproc recreate {o args}  {
        if {[$o isclass]} {
# class redefiniton, delete commands and instcommands ...
            foreach cmd [$o info instcommands] {$o instproc $cmd "" ""}
            foreach cmd [$o info commands] {$o proc $cmd "" ""}
# ... and delete all kind of interceptors ...
            foreach interceptor {filter instfilter mixin instmixin} {
                $o $interceptor set [list]
# ... and delete parameters ...
            $o parameter ""
# ... and evaluate provided flags (parameters, class rels, etc.)
            set nrInitArgs [eval $o configure $args]
# ... finally call constructor with arguments
            eval $o init [lreplace $args $nrInitArgs end]
# return fully qualified name
            return [$o self]
        } else {
# it is a plain object redefinition, do standard stuff