::xotcl::Object | +--::xox::XmlReader
XmlNodeReader is a library of methods that will convert specially built XML into a tree of ::xox::Node objects. The schema for the XML is defined by the operations of the ::xox::XmlNodeWriter class. Thus XML written by ::xox::XmlNodeWriter from a ::xox::Node tree can be read back into a ::xox::Node tree using this class. The primary methods in this class are buildTree and buildNodes.
Variables | |||
Name | Default Value | Class | Comment |
externalRootNodes |
::xox::XmlNodeReader | OPTIONAL, Other root nodes that may be found in the XML |
rootNode |
::xox::XmlNodeReader | ACCESSOR, The rootNode to build the ::xox::Node tree upon. |
Methods | |
Name | Comment |
addMixin {parentNode subTdomNode}
| Adds a mixin given in the value of subTdomNode to parentNode |
buildNode {parentNode subTdomNode}
| Recurisvley build a subtree of ::xox::Nodes from a corresponding DOM subtree |
buildNodes {rootNode xml}
| Build a tree of ::xox::Nodes and add them to the node, rootNode, from the given xml |
buildNodesFromTdom {parentNode tdomNode}
| Builds the subnodes of the tdomNode into ::xox::Nodes |
buildTree {rootNode treeFiles}
| Adds a tree of ::xox::Nodes to rootNode from set of tree files that are the format created by ::xox::XmlNodeWriter |
getPathNode {path}
| Finds the object given by the path, path |
isclassAndLoad {name}
| |
lookupIndexPathAndSetValues {}
| Finds object specified by path variables and sets those variables to the handles of the found objects |
lookupPathAndSetValues {}
| Finds object specified by path variables and sets those variables to the handles of the found objects |
lookupPathsAndSetValues {}
| Finds object specified by path variables and sets those variables to the handles of the found objects |
savePathForSecondProcess {node variable value}
| Save the node, variable, and path value for the second phase processing |
savePathsForSecondProcess {node variable value}
| Save the node, variable, and paths value for the second phase processing |
setArrayIndexValue {parentNode valueNode name index}
| Sets the value of the array variable given as the name of the subTdomNode on the parentNode |
setArrayValue {parentNode subTdomNode}
| Sets the value of the array variable given as the name of the subTdomNode on the parentNode |
setNodeValue {node tdomNode variableName}
| Sets the value of the variable, variableName, on node to the value found in the DOM node, tdomNode |
setPathValue {parentNode subTdomNode}
| Extracts the path value from subTdomNode and saves the value for second phase processing |
setPathsValue {parentNode subTdomNode}
| Extracts the paths value from subTdomNode and saves the value for second phase processing |
setValues {parentNode subTdomNode}
| Sets the value of the variable given as the name of the subTdomNode on the parentNode |
Methods from ::xotcl::Object |
#, ., ?, ?code, ?methods, ?object, abstract, copy, coverageFilter, defaultmethod, extractConfigureArg, filterappend, garbageCollect, get#, getClean#, hasclass, init, methodTag, mixinappend, move, profileFilter, self, setParameterDefaults, shell, tclcmd, traceFilter,
Instproc Detail |
Adds a mixin given in the value of subTdomNode to parentNode. Arguments: parentNode - the ::xox::Node instance to add the mixin to. subTdomNode - the subTdomNode that holds the class name of the mixin
::xox::XmlNodeReader instproc addMixin {parentNode subTdomNode} { set mixin [ my extractValue $subTdomNode ] $parentNode mixin add $mixin }
Recurisvley build a subtree of ::xox::Nodes from a corresponding DOM subtree. Arguments: parentNode - The parent ::xox::Node to add the new ::xox::Node subtree to. subTdomNode - The DOM subtree that holds the information for the new subtree of Nodes.
::xox::XmlNodeReader instproc buildNode {parentNode subTdomNode} { set class [ $subTdomNode nodeName ] #my debug $class set childName "" foreach subSubNode [ $subTdomNode childNodes ] { set name [ $subSubNode nodeName ] if [ my isclassAndLoad $name ] { continue } set value "" catch { set value [ my extractValue $subSubNode ] } set childParameters($name) $value if { "$name" == "nodeName" } { set childName $value } } if { "" == "$childName" } { set node [ $parentNode createAutoNamedChild $class -noinit ] my buildNodesFromTdom $node $subTdomNode return } if [ $parentNode hasNode $childName ] { set node [ $parentNode getNode $childName ] my buildNodesFromTdom $node $subTdomNode } else { set node [ $parentNode createChild $childName $class -noinit ] my buildNodesFromTdom $node $subTdomNode } }
Build a tree of ::xox::Nodes and add them to the node, rootNode, from the given xml. Arguments: rootNode - The root node to add the tree of Nodes to. xml - The XML that will be converted to the tree of Nodes.
::xox::XmlNodeReader instproc buildNodes {rootNode xml} { my rootNode $rootNode set document [dom parse $xml] set root [$document documentElement] if [ $root hasAttribute package ] { package require [ $root getAttribute package ] } #puts $xml my array unset path my array unset paths my array unset indexPath my array unset indexPaths my buildNodesFromTdom $rootNode $root #my debug [ $rootNode dumpTreeData ] my lookupIndexPathAndSetValues my lookupPathAndSetValues my lookupPathsAndSetValues }
Builds the subnodes of the tdomNode into ::xox::Nodes. If the name of the subnode is a class name then it will create a new object from that class name otherwise it If the name of the subnode is not a class name then it assumes the name is a variable. The value of the variable is extracted from the subnode and set on the parentNode
::xox::XmlNodeReader instproc buildNodesFromTdom {parentNode tdomNode} { set subTdomNodes [ $tdomNode childNodes ] set parameterList "" foreach subTdomNode $subTdomNodes { #my debug "node: [ $subTdomNode nodeName ]" set classOrParameter [ $subTdomNode nodeName ] if { ![ my isclassAndLoad $classOrParameter ] } { my setValues $parentNode $subTdomNode } else { my buildNode $parentNode $subTdomNode } } }
Adds a tree of ::xox::Nodes to rootNode from set of tree files that are the format created by ::xox::XmlNodeWriter. Arguments: rootNode - The rootNode to add the tree of nodes created from on of the tree files in treeFiles. This node must have the same name as the root node written to the tree files. treeFiles - A list of files to read in and convert to ::xox::Node instances.
::xox::XmlNodeReader instproc buildTree {rootNode treeFiles} { foreach treeFile $treeFiles { if [ catch { set xml [ read [ open $treeFile ] ] my buildNodes $rootNode $xml } result ] { global errorInfo error "XmlNodeReader buildTree $treeFile\n$errorInfo" } } return $rootNode }
Finds the object given by the path, path. This method will look on rootNode and the externalRootNodes depending on the name of the root element in the path, path. Arguments: path - The path to the Node. Returns: The ::xox::Node instance found by the path. Throws: An error if the Node is not found.
::xox::XmlNodeReader instproc getPathNode {path} { my instvar rootNode externalRootNodes set root [ lindex $path 0 ] set subPath [ lrange $path 1 end ] if { "$root" == "[ $rootNode nodeName ]" } { return [ eval $rootNode $subPath ] } if [ my exists externalRootNodes ] { foreach externalRootNode $externalRootNodes { if { "[ $externalRootNode getNodeName ]" == "$root" } { return [ eval $externalRootNode $subPath ] } } } puts "Warning: Path, $path, has unknown root, $root\n Expected: [ $rootNode nodeName ]\n Actual: $root\n" return $path }
::xox::XmlNodeReader instproc isclassAndLoad {name} { if [ Object isclass $name ] { return 1 } set current [ ::xox::Package getPackageFromClass $name ] while { "" != "$current" } { catch { package require $current } if [ Object isclass $name ] { return 1 } set current [ ::xox::Package getPackageFromClass $current ] } return 0 }
Finds object specified by path variables and sets those variables to the handles of the found objects. This method finds objects specified in array indexes.
::xox::XmlNodeReader instproc lookupIndexPathAndSetValues {} { foreach { name value } [ my array get indexPath ] { set object [ lindex $name 0 ] set variable [ lrange $name 1 end ] set index [ lindex $value 0 ] set domNode [ lindex $value 1 ] #my debug "path: $object set $variable $value" set indexNode [ my getPathNode $index ] #my debug "$object $variable $index $domNode $indexNode" set valueNode [ my getFirstChildNamed $domNode value ] my setArrayIndexValue $object $valueNode $variable $indexNode } }
Finds object specified by path variables and sets those variables to the handles of the found objects. This method finds objects specified as a path.
::xox::XmlNodeReader instproc lookupPathAndSetValues {} { foreach { name value } [ my array get path ] { set object [ lindex $name 0 ] set variable [ lrange $name 1 end ] set arrayName [ lindex [ split $variable "\(" ] 0 ] if { "parentNode" == "$variable" } { continue } if { "nodes" == "$variable" } { continue } if { "nameToNodes" == "$arrayName" } { continue } #my debug "path: $object set $variable $value" $object set $variable [ my getPathNode $value ] } }
Finds object specified by path variables and sets those variables to the handles of the found objects. This method finds objects specified as paths.
::xox::XmlNodeReader instproc lookupPathsAndSetValues {} { foreach { name value } [ my array get paths ] { set object [ lindex $name 0 ] set variable [ lindex $name 1 ] set arrayName [ lindex [ split $variable "\(" ] 0 ] if { "parentNode" == "$variable" } { continue } if { "nodes" == "$variable" } { continue } if { "nameToNodes" == "$arrayName" } { continue } foreach path $value { $object lappend $variable [ my getPathNode $path ] } } }
Save the node, variable, and path value for the second phase processing. Paths must be saved to be processed in the second phase after all the objects are built.
::xox::XmlNodeReader instproc savePathForSecondProcess {node variable value} { my set "path($node $variable)" $value }
Save the node, variable, and paths value for the second phase processing. Paths must be saved to be processed in the second phase after all the objects are built.
::xox::XmlNodeReader instproc savePathsForSecondProcess {node variable value} { my set "paths($node $variable)" $value }
Sets the value of the array variable given as the name of the subTdomNode on the parentNode.
::xox::XmlNodeReader instproc setArrayIndexValue {parentNode valueNode name index} { #my debug "$parentNode $valueNode $name $index" set value [ my extractValue $valueNode ] set variableName "${name}\($index\)" if [ $valueNode hasAttribute type ] { set type [ $valueNode getAttribute type ] switch $type { path { my savePathForSecondProcess $parentNode $variableName $value } paths { my savePathsForSecondProcess $parentNode $variableName $value } default { error "Unsupported type $type" } } return } else { #my debug "$parentNode set $variableName $value" $parentNode set $variableName $value } }
Sets the value of the array variable given as the name of the subTdomNode on the parentNode.
::xox::XmlNodeReader instproc setArrayValue {parentNode subTdomNode} { set name [ $subTdomNode nodeName ] set indexNode [ my getFirstChildNamed $subTdomNode index ] #my debug [ $indexNode asXML ] set index [ my extractValue $indexNode ] if [ $indexNode hasAttribute type ] { set type [ $indexNode getAttribute type ] switch $type { path { my set "indexPath($parentNode $name)" [ list $index $subTdomNode ] } paths { my set "indexPaths($parentNode $name)" [ list $index $subTdomNode ] } default { error "Unsupported type $type" } } return } set valueNode [ my getFirstChildNamed $subTdomNode value ] my setArrayIndexValue $parentNode $valueNode $name $index }
Sets the value of the variable, variableName, on node to the value found in the DOM node, tdomNode. Arguments: node - The ::xox::Node instance to set value of variableName on. tdomNode - The DOM node to extract the value of variableName from. variableName - The variable name to set the value on node.
::xox::XmlNodeReader instproc setNodeValue {node tdomNode variableName} { set value [ my extractValue $tdomNode ] $node set $variableName $value }
Extracts the path value from subTdomNode and saves the value for second phase processing.
::xox::XmlNodeReader instproc setPathValue {parentNode subTdomNode} { set variableName [ $subTdomNode nodeName ] if { "" != "[ $subTdomNode childNodes ]" } { set value [ my extractValue $subTdomNode ] my savePathForSecondProcess $parentNode $variableName $value } }
Extracts the paths value from subTdomNode and saves the value for second phase processing.
::xox::XmlNodeReader instproc setPathsValue {parentNode subTdomNode} { set variableName [ $subTdomNode nodeName ] if { "" != "[ $subTdomNode childNodes ]" } { set value [ my extractValue $subTdomNode ] my savePathsForSecondProcess $parentNode $variableName $value } }
Sets the value of the variable given as the name of the subTdomNode on the parentNode.
::xox::XmlNodeReader instproc setValues {parentNode subTdomNode} { set name [ $subTdomNode nodeName ] #my debug "name: $name" #my debug "[ $subTdomNode asXML ]" if [ $subTdomNode hasAttribute type ] { set variableName $name set type [ $subTdomNode getAttribute type ] #my debug "type: $type" switch $type { path { my setPathValue $parentNode $subTdomNode } paths { my setPathsValue $parentNode $subTdomNode } mixin { my addMixin $parentNode $subTdomNode } array { my setArrayValue $parentNode $subTdomNode } default { error "[ my info class ] Unsupported type $type" } } return } my setNodeValue $parentNode $subTdomNode $name }